Industrial Digital Transformation- Converting Hype to ROI

Industrial Digital Transformation – Converting Hype to ROI

Stage Rejigdigital

Stage Rejigdigital

5 min read

What is special about Industry 4.0? It has not only improved industrial technology significantly but also brought this sophisticated technology within reach of SMEs. But then, there is a web of hype surrounding Industry 4.0 and related concepts like industrial digital transformation and IIoT, which prevent many enterprises from leveraging the benefits. 

Since the emergence of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), enterprises have started giving priority to digital transformation strategy in their agenda for growth. With the advancements in IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) and data analytics, it is possible to fetch and process zillions of data for bringing automation in field operations and supply chain management. Simply put, data-driven automation has become the first step of digital transformation in the industry worldwide. 

Implementing an effective digital transformation strategy not only improves the competitiveness of modern enterprises but also boosts their productivity and capability to make informed decisions. Though the hype has surrounded IIoT and Industry 4.0, these technologies have several use cases with proven ROI. Interestingly, these use cases are applicable to all major industry sectors. It is fair to mention that these use cases are the driving force for the increasing adoption of IIoT in various industry sectors. 

Accenture’s recent market report “Winning with the Industrial Internet of Things” has predicted that IIoT could add around $14.2 trillion to the world economy by the year 2030. Let’s understand the role of IIoT and digital transformation strategy to gain more ROI over the period.

IIoT Use Cases for Increasing ROI and Transforming Processes

1. Higher Flexibility

Industrial automation is based on various operational technologies including PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) and DCS (Distributed Control Systems). IIoT facilitates the convergence of OT with IT and makes these technologies highly flexible. It is possible to reconfigure industrial automation processes based on digital transformation solutions with IIoT deployments. IIoT can be extensively used in existing industry systems to support mass customization models with higher flexibility. 

2. Improved Connectivity

Like IoT, Industrial IoT technology is also useful for establishing robust connectivity across various points in the industry. For example, IIoT facilitates industrialists to optimize supply chains. The advent of Industry 4.0 has made it possible by enabling the real-time sharing of accurate information across various points of the supply chain. IIoT technology interconnects devices and business information systems like ERP to keep all stakeholders in the loop. 

With this, IIoT ensures seamless flow of information across plants, customers, and logistics enterprises. As a result, your enterprise gets various benefits like just-in-time production and stock minimization. 

Also Read- 4 Things to Keep in Mind while Driving Digital Transformation in An Enterprise

3. Better Quality Control

IIoT and Big Data analytics can streamline the core processes and facilitate digital transformation in the industry. Both these robust technologies can collect abundant corporate data and find out problems in the domain of quality control at different timescales. For example, connected devices can collect data about a production line and Big Data can analyze the same for identifying issues and inefficiencies along with recommending remedial actions. 

In a way, these technologies have an impact on quality control and a reputed IIoT solution provider can implement them in a cost-effective way. 

4. Predictive Analytics

Machine Learning (ML) technology can consolidate and analyze the data fetched from the connected devices under IIoT implementation. This data analysis can predict failures before they happen to enable operators or employees to prevent them from occurring. In a way, the manufacturer can use existing data to predict accurately that leads them to manufacture flawless products every time. As the entire process of data gathering and analysis is done in the cloud, there is no need for manufacturers to invest additionally in hardware. 

Other IIoT deployments are based on some of the cutting-edge digital technologies like-

5. Edge Computing

It enables low-overhead, high-performance operations for both automation and analytics close to the field. It also complements cloud storage and facilitates real-time processing while acting as a filtering layer. As a result, companies can get more network bandwidth while reducing cloud storage costs. 

6. Cybersecurity

This is the most important challenge in the way of digital transformation and automation. Most industries are deeply concerned about the integration of connected devices and other new IT devices in their plants. A robust and reliable cybersecurity mechanism is, therefore, imperative to establish. Cybersecurity measures ensure the trustworthiness of IT building blocks in the plant while protecting datasets in-line with business and legal regulations including the EU’s GDPR regulation. 

7. High-Speed Networking

It is essential for most IIoT use cases that involve network-intensive operations. Whether it is wired infrastructure or wireless infrastructure, most IIoT traffic is carried over Wi-Fi, LTE network, and Ethernet. 

Concluding Lines

The advent of Industry 4.0 has brought many promises and opportunities for modern enterprises. Reducing operational costs and other overheads can contribute to increasing ROI over the period. All you get are streamlined operations and improved performance with the integration of digital transformation and IIoT at the workplace. 

At Rejig Digital, we strive to bring automation and transform key processes by offering high-end solutions based on IIoT and other emerging technologies. Do you want to drive growth for your enterprise and stay ahead of the curve? Just send us an email at with your business needs and we will assist you to make a digital transformation strategy using technological advancements.  

Industrial Digital Transformation

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