How Remote Assistance App Benefits OEMs and enterprises

By admin_user In Remote Assistance On April 14, 2021

How Remote Assistance App Benefits OEMs and enterprises

Augmented Reality contributes significantly to remote assistance and digital transformation for modern enterprises. In this pandemic age, when we face movement restrictions and follow social distancing norms, AR remote assistance app can be useful like never before for all industry sectors. It is better to understand its benefits for achieving tangible benefits for entrepreneurs. 

These days, many enterprises have adopted digital transformation amid challenging business situations like remote working and sharp shifts in product demands. It is fair to mention that companies that organizations that want to survive and thrive need to invest in technological advancements. Here, AR has emerged as a robust technology that can help enterprises navigate the future of work while maintaining continuity. 

One of the biggest uses of a revolutionary augmented reality technology is it can be integrated with other emerging technologies like AI/ML and IoT for empowering equipment manufacturers to increase their efficiency, productivity, and throughput of their technicians or service engineers during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. 

AR-based remote assistance solution acts as a bridge between a remote specialist with another user to diagnose, resolve, and verify problems. It enables remote specialists to advise clients, technicians, or engineers working at remote plants, and often thousands of miles away. The user-friendly interface and seamless performance of AR remote assistance solutions facilitate users with minimal preparation and quick rollout. 

Let’s understand the importance and benefits of a robust remote assistance solution through two use cases for the industry sector. 

1. Say ‘No’ to Travelling

In this pandemic age, travelling to and from can be risky, and the company needs to bear travel expenses for experts to reach at remote sites for field activities. 

This challenge can be addressed in the best possible way using an AR-based remote assistance app. Emerging AR technology and seamless functionality can assist you to meet the challenges including

– Key Challenges Remote Assistance Tool Address

1. Travelling activities are restricted worldwide due to pandemic, and field technicians cannot visit remote plants

2. Limited movement and constraints of field technicians further decrease the movement of limited skilled resources

3. Restricted or prohibited zone with no or minimal access

4. Because of limited options, travel costs shoot up

5. To and fro journey becomes more cumbersome and risky

6. Extensive traveling can make employees or technicians more vulnerable to the pandemic

7. Higher waiting period can stretch the response time and there is a risk of a prolonged downtime

8. Concerns related to hygiene and other lifestyle-related aspects

Also Read- Top Seven Enterprise-grade Use Cases of AR Remote Assistance

– Solution

  • An AR-based remote assistance solution acts as a platform for technicians and remote employees. 
  • With digital annotations and AR technology, technicians can give direction to employees or field experts with real-time guidance. 
  • Built-in video conferencing and other communication features can make real-time data sharing possible. 
  • Reports related to resolving issues or issue-related documents can be stored separately.  


OEMs or technicians can easily assist field experts or remote employees in resolving issues and breakdowns. Experts can also refer to material online if the same issue occurred in the past. There is no need to travel and real-time help is received using the tool. 

2. Change in Shift cannot Stretch Downtime!

Machine downtime or unwanted maintenance work can ruin productivity and decrease your employees’ efficiency. 

Downtime or operation-related issues have adverse consequences in enterprises where people work in shifts. For example, remote employees of one shift may or may not convey the people of the second shift about the issue or its temporary solution. It can then make a big problem and hamper production in the second shift. 

– Key Challenges to be Addressed

  1. In the remote plant, people of one shift may not inform employees of the second shift about any issue came during the operations or about temporary resolution of the issue
  2. Any issue, if remain unresolved during the first shift can be more hazardous when the equipment runs at the full speed in the second shift
  3. A mishap or a big damage can occur in the second shift if the issue was temporarily resolved and a few problems remained without any knowledge of remote employees
  4. Another challenge is during the night shift there may be no expert or technician available and due to this production remains stopped for overnight

– Solutions Provided by Remote Assistance Tool

  • The remote assistance tool enables remote employees to communicate and collaborate with experts anytime and from anywhere using the smartphone
  • It is possible to send message about the possible issue or temporary resolution of the issue in the real-time to the employees of the next shift 
  • Real-time assistance from remote technicians or experts can prevent further damage and reduce downtime

– Outcome

It is easy for passing on messages from one shift to the other shift about any potential issues or resolution. It is possible to prevent unwanted production halt during nighttime. 

Ally is our purpose-driven remote assistance app based on AR technology. It facilitates experts or OEMs to connect and collaborate for resolving issues remotely and achieving the desired outcome. Do you want to know more about your AR Remote assistance partner, Ally? Simply drop us a line at and we will assist you to leverage the benefits of technological advancements for remote assistance and other core processes.