Augmented Reality Trends

What to Look for in AR-based Remote Assistance Solution in 2022?

Stage Rejigdigital

Stage Rejigdigital

4 min read

The Augmented Reality (AR) concept has made industries more efficient irrespective of the size and business models. Augmented reality trends enable modern enterprises to connect the equipment and processes for bridging the gap between the deadline and scarcity of skills. Let’s take the example of the Augmented Reality remote assistance app. 

An AR-powered remote assistance app can enable offsite experts to guide and collaborate with team members on the floor visually. Originally, the remote assistance concept was designed to enable technicians to take control of the user’s computer or mobile from remote locations to complete the maintenance or repair process. Augmented Reality takes this concept to a next level. It enables the remote technician or experts to access the user’s field of vision. They can visually annotate the scene in front of the user. 

In this blog, we are going to discuss the top factors of an AR-based remote assistance app. But before moving forward, let’s go through the key benefits of a remote assistance solution apart from conducting fixes or offering maintenance work or ad-hoc assistance to enterprises. 

Key Benefits of AR-based Remote Assistance Solution for Enterprises

1. Reduces Costs

With augmented reality apps, you can significantly reduce the time for repairing and resolving issues. It saves time for your team members and reduces machine downtime significantly. Also, remote assistance providers can save big on travel costs as they do not need to send their experts to remote places frequently. 

2. Improves Safety

Chances of human errors are high when employees try to remember complex practices or implement the same from notes. Augmented reality-based remote assistance apps can give employees access to expert knowledge as and when they find it necessary. It can reduce the chances of worker injury or accidents. 

3. Decreases Onboarding Time

AR-based apps can facilitate technicians to train new employees. It can significantly decrease the onboarding time. Also, by having access to such training from the beginning, new joiners can remain confident and readily become a part of the work culture. 

Simply put, the Augmented Reality remote assistance can increase productivity and ROI while reducing time, effort, and expenses. Let’s go through the top factors based on Augmented Reality trends you need to keep in mind while selecting the remote assistance apps. 

Top Factors to Consider for Selecting the Right Remote Assistance Apps

Manufacturers and entrepreneurs consider AR technology for increasing productivity and reducing downtime. The right remote assistance app can provide many benefits. Here are the top factors you should consider for choosing the right app- 

1. Easy Rollout

An AR-based app should be easy to roll out, implement, and use in an organization. Also, it should be compatible with Android and iPhones so that all your team members and technicians can use it easily. 

2. Easy-to-use

There is a transition period when you introduce new technologies to the workforce. If the remote assistance app is easy-to-use with user-friendly features, it can make the app integration process smoother. 

Also Read- Everything You Need to Know about Effective Remote Asset Monitoring

3. Control on Views

It is difficult for a user or a team member to describe their problems or a technician to explain a solution if the camera keeps on moving. Therefore, an app should have the functionality to pause views of both sides and draw annotations to pass step-by-step instructions. 

4. Annotations Lock

This is one of the most important features to consider while choosing a remote assistance app. When a remote technician annotates a particular part in the field of vision of the user, the annotation should be locked onto the reference point. Otherwise, users can get confused and remote technicians will get frustrated. 

Augmented Reality-based remote assistance is becoming a new norm in the core industry sectors. It is beneficial for companies if the app contains features based on Augmented Reality trends. It is fair to mention that AR remote assistance concept has a bright future and industries like manufacturing, retail, utility, etc. will leverage its benefits. 

Concluding Lines

Augmented Reality trends are going to gain ground in the year 2022 and beyond. The thriving manufacturing sector and other core sectors will start leveraging the benefits of a robust remote assistance solution gradually. You can also follow suit and select the most convenient remote assistance solution by considering the factors mentioned above and getting a higher ROI. 

Remote assistance solutions based on Augmented Reality can take productivity and efficiency to a new level. We build a robust remote assistance solution for various industry sectors by integrating advancements of IoT and AR. You can make the most of our remote assistance solution for ensuring asset reliability and maintenance strategies for taking businesses to a new level with an increased ROI.

augmented reality trends

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